Did You Know?: Dasha Chernova

In 2017 Bay Area-based and Russian-born Dasha Chernova began Telaboratoria (in Russian, “telo” means body and “laboratoria” means laboratory), a program offering dance and theater improvisation classes and workshops designed […]

Tales of Change: CounterPulse and Shawl-Anderson Dance Center Look to the Future

In Italy there’s a famous adage that says “everything must change in order for everything to stay the same.” To our 21st century ears this might sound like a zen parable, […]

In Practice: Body Nerds: Judith Butler and Monique Jenkinson

On November 3, 2017, philosopher Judith Butler took to the CounterPulse stage and, be still my beating heart, danced. Joined in mutual illustriousness by Monique Jenkinson in a tempered version […]

Advocacy: Anywhere and Anytime

Advocacy has long been one of those big, broad words whose definition I knew in theory, but I’d never experienced it firsthand to gain true insight into its meaning—and outcomes. In imagining what my first […]

SFPALM: New Name, Big Plans

Whether it’s the Opera, the incomparable San Francisco Ballet, ODC Dance, or Alonzo King’s Lines Ballet, performances are fleeting and committed to the memories of those who witnessed them. This […]

On Gender and Performance: Six Statements by Six Artists

Comments by Akram Khan in January about women in the dance world(1) sparked a flurry of responses, both online and in publications. Dancers’ Group has decided to examine this topic more carefully […]

Dana Reitz: The Silent Innovator Comes to the Bay Area

Quick, name the top three dance performances you’ve ever seen. Mine come to mind easily. They are, in reverse order: 3. Rudolph Nureyev in Valery Panov’s The Idiot based on […]

Dancers’ Group History: Celebrating 30 Years

To help celebrate Dancers’ Group’s 30th anniversary this year, we have reached out to people to share a special remembrance. Throughout 2012 this publication has been carrying three pieces per […]

Soft Power

Uncomfortable sweat drips under my arms, my cheeks burning as I speak up on the panel. I challenge an application because it’s unclear how the applicant belonged to a marginalized BIPOC community and why they share stories of this community as a cis-white person.

BOOK REVIEW: The Body Eclectic: Evolving Practice in Dance Training

Twenty years ago dance was declared dead by more than a few New York dance critics who had watched both modern dance and ballet flower and, they believed, collapse. The […]