Community Calendar

One Website under California with Profiles and Resources for all, May 2008

Starting this May, every dance group in California from the San Francisco Ballet to the local community center hip hop group will have access to a powerful new tool for […]

The Artist’s Search for Support (Bay Area Existential Crisis Edition)

What does an artist have to do to survive here in the San Francisco Bay Area, circa 2017? As the world keeps on changing and Bay Area cost-of-living inflates out […]

Speak: Sisters

All Roads Are Lined With Teeth is a new evening-length show choreographed and directed by sisters Megan and Shannon Kurashige for their San Francisco-based company Sharp & Fine. Created in […]

We Write Ourselves as We Move

I was born in the early 1980s in the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, to a nurse and a lawyer.

MVMNT Videos: Dance and Gymnastics Tips and Tricks

MVMNT Videos: Dance and Gymnastics Tips and Tricks for Indoor Play and Creativity with your Kids! Led by Christine Joy Ferrer (Aka Tine) The Virtual MVMNT Videos focus primarily on […]

For the Love of Dance; Dance Writers on Criticism, Nov 2007

Dancers’ Group asks seven Bay Area dance critics questions about their jobs and role of dance criticism.

Hip Hop Her Way; An Interview with Sisterz of the Underground’s Sarah Smalls

Sisterz of the Underground (SOTU) is a community, network, and support system created by, and for, females who choose hip-hop as a form of expression. As an open hip-hop collective, […]

The Crisis in Criticism: The Economy, the Internet and the Death of Dance Writing, Jun 2009

If you are reading this, odds are you earn at least part of your living working in the arts, or are a committed member of the dance audience. Let me […]

Do You YouTube?

Every week, I get a question from someone in the dance community about online videos. As a web consultant with a variety of dance experience, I know a thing or […]