In Conversation

Because [academia is] so stuck on the Black body as a political construct that holds all of this negativity and trauma that this neoliberalism, they talk about it in this way like, “You can never escape this identity.” You know, and part of it is because the way that you study in school, you repeat it and you live inside these same discourses and it’s like you’re trapped in the discourse! And you don’t get to live past it. And that’s why it’s so important for dancers to write about dance.

In Conversation with Latanya Tigner and Colette Eloi

You are listening to Part 1 & 2 from Andréa Spearman’s recorded conversation with Latanya Tigner and Colette Eloi. To read the transcript of Part 1 of the conversation, click […]

The Women in White

It was not until my first year of college that I asked myself why women were always dying in classical ballets. Now entering my senior year, this question still haunts me.


I wrote my first dance review for the San Francisco Bay Guardian in the late 90s. I had been writing listings for a while and this was my big break—500 […]

Dancers for a Free Palestine: Tactics of Resistance that Artists Understand

As the horrors of the ongoing U.S. funded Israeli genocide in Palestine pour into our social media feeds from Gaza over the last six months, it has become more clear to me how FLACC’s seemingly small, yet, public “platform” has more influence and power on a political and cultural stage than I realized.

Isadora Duncan Awards: Celebration of Bay Area Dance

Get ready to mix and mingle with the stars of the dance world at our first face-to-face bash since 2019. Come join the fun, meet the talented nominees, and witness […]

In Conversation: Maurya Kerr and Alaja Badalich

You are reading excerpts from Maurya Kerr and Alaja Badalich’s recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation


“Wherever you are in the world, if you are a dancer who wants to write about dance or you know a dancer who does, please message me. I have an opportunity for you/them.”

I tweeted this request on July 10, when hot (flash) mom summer seemed to be on. But the hope, calm, and excitement were short-lived.


I’ve been reading, reading, reading. It’s a lovely part of my job. I get to read grant proposals, budgets (numbers tell a story, too), research studies, emails and numerous articles […]

Cyphers in Cyberspace: Reimagining Cultural Arts and Dance Education in a Post-COVID World

As I reflect on this year of virtual dance learning, one thing has become strikingly clear: not only are many of our young students tragically estranged from their cultural and artistic heritage, but this estrangement negatively affects their social, emotional, and intellectual development.