dancing close to home

My mom lives alone, about a thirty minute drive away, in the condo complex where my two sisters and I grew up. There’s a sprawling rosemary bush out front, planted […]

In Conversation with Melecio Estrella

In Conversation, a series of interviews exploring exchanges about dance and different folks’ relationship to dance. As we examine home and place and what community means, these questions presented themselves. […]

10 in 10 Video Series

10 questions in 10 minutes. Quick insights with the Bay Area dance community. As our community continues to re-imagine hybrid performance and dance-making, the 10 in 10 interview series speaks […]

we done/come home: a ritual prayer for belonging

House/Full of Blackwomen Photo by Robbie Sweeny. [ID: A Black woman with her eyes closed sits in a blue armchair with her head slightly leaning to the side. On the […]

Being a Body

KJ Dahlaw Photo courtesy of KJ Dahlaw. [ID: A close up of KJ Dahlaw, a white, non-binary trans person with blue eyes, button up shirt and tattoo on forearm, wearing […]

Family in Site

Panching Photo by Jessica Swanson. [ID: Panching, an elder Filipina, is in profile to the camera. She looks out a window of an historic house at Fort Barry with a […]

Grassroots to Cyberspace: Evolution of Dancing Earth

Birthed from a vision from Founding Artistic Director Rulan Tangen to create global Indigenous contemporary performing arts opportunities, Dancing Earth is rooted with one foot in Yelamu – occupied Ohlone territory also known as San Francisco, California and the other foot in Ogaa Po Ogeh – occupied Tewa territory also known as Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Isadora Duncan Dance Awards Committee Announces Nominees and Honorees for 2018-19 Performance Season

The Isadora Duncan Dance Awards, known locally as the Izzies, are awarded annually to acknowledge creative achievements in the performance and presentation of dance. This year the Isadora Duncan Dance […]

In Practice: Ramon Ramos Alayo and John Santos

This year, the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival (SFEDF) takes place for the first time at the San Francisco War Memorial Opera House. It is also the first year that […]


In 2021 I was hired as an artist in residence at Ruth Asawa School of the Arts (SOTA), a San Francisco high school I graduated from in 2020.