A Love Letter to San Francisco: A Dancer’s Understanding of Home

Photo by Queering Beauty. [ID: Jesse stands in front of a red sequin curtain while wearing a checkered rainbow button up shirt. Jesse’s hands are inside his pockets as he […]

Approaching a Quarter Century at Smuin

“How does it feel to be on the cusp of Smuin’s 24th season?” This was the first question I posed to Artistic Director Celia Fushille during a recent conversation about […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of the Soul Train Line

I’m not from a dancing family! But some of the most iconic family memories have come through dance, particularly the Soul Train Line.

The Artist’s Search for Support (Bay Area Existential Crisis Edition)

What does an artist have to do to survive here in the San Francisco Bay Area, circa 2017? As the world keeps on changing and Bay Area cost-of-living inflates out […]

If They Don’t Give You a Seat at the Table, Make Your Own Table

(Photo by Steve Disenhof. ID: LINES Ballet Training Program students perform in Chuck Wilt’s “Mural” in a black box theater. The dancers stand leaning back on a bent leg with […]

Requesting Liability Insurance

In Practice: Book Review: Katherine Dunham: Dance and the African Diaspora by Joanna Dee Das

The first time I met dance historian Joanna Dee Das was either at an event she curated when she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Dance Studies at Stanford or […]


Bodies are perfect. They are also complex, colorful and filled with tons of cool applications. Each body is the ultimate super computer, efficiently organizing 37.2 trillion cells that are in […]

Find Time and Space with Residency Programs

Inspiration pours from your graceful fingertips and toes. If only you had time and space to explore the depths of your imagination freely, validating what you already know to be […]

On Traditional Ohlone Land: Dancing Earth at Alcatraz

“As contemporary people we’re taking the responsibility to create the songs and dances that speak to our time now…and creating intertribal and global indigenous relationships, and creating new languages of […]