Israel Gone Gaga: Batsheva to the Max

Float. Pull your bones. Smear your flesh on the ground. Connect to your pleasure. Quake. Stretch your face. Find the snake in your spine. Put a good taste in your mouth. Melt. Connect to your form. Take an ice cold shower. Boil like spaghetti. Find your groove. Above all, don’t stop moving.

SPEAK By Jose Navarrete

In 2007 I went to India, and on that journey I experienced everything from horror to beauty: magnificent palaces and temples contrasting with the utmost human misery. Throughout it all, […]

Uncovered: The Diary Project: Sean Dorsey’s Fifth Home Season

Most people already know that Sean Dorsey is a trailblazing pioneer in the modern dance world. He is the first openly transgendered choreographer to make work about his own life […]

Mash Up: Capacity Building in a Time of Continual Flux

There are least two levels of capacity building: practical usable tools, like technology and web-based platforms, and foundational skills, like adaptability, transparency, agility, and the ability to make clear decisions. […]

SPEAK By Erin Mei-Ling Stuart

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” Lately, I keep thinking of that Leonard Cohen lyric. Because lately, I’ve been thinking about— and trying to […]

Notes From a Suitcase

MAY 2009 – In A Dance Studio In America During a recent rehearsal I rediscovered a recording of my young Ethiopian students singing. It transported me back to the village […]

SPEAK By Kathleen Hermesdorf

“This is the beginning of the future” I thought, as I awoke this past January 1. 2009 is the year of the Ox in the Chinese calendar, a year of […]

The First Steps: Luna Dance Institute

Dance teacher, Bonner Odell is on maternity leave. With the birth of her daughter, the count is five teacher-mothers (out of seven) at Luna. As our small organization juggles busy […]

Observations Away From Home: On Being in Rome

Over the years, I’ve visited glorious churches, stayed in the hill towns and travelled the Appian Way, but these weeks in Rome are perhaps the first I have ever spent […]

For the Love of Dance; Dance Writers on Criticism, Nov 2007

Dancers’ Group asks seven Bay Area dance critics questions about their jobs and role of dance criticism.