We All Live in Humansville

Review: Joe Goode Performance Group, “Humansville,” May 31, 2007, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts

In Practice: Reconstructing Reconstruction with Chris Evans

What does it mean to grieve in the context of perpetual marginalization and terrorization? What are the contours of grief in the afterlife of ancestral, epigenetic, and intergenerational trauma? And […]

Jack Carpenter: a Master of Illumination

The estimable dance and theater lighting designer Thomas Skelton once remarked, “There are many barriers between the dancer and good lighting, but each can be hurdled with enough imagination, common […]

Speak: Still With Us by Debby Kajiyama, April 2014

Editors note: Debby Kajiyama is 2014 recipient of The Della Davidson Prize. This annual award has been set-up to honor the life and work of choreographer and teacher Della Davidson by supporting innovative […]

ONSITE: House/Full of BlackWomen

Amara Tabor-Smith, Ellen Sebastian Chang and Dancers’ Group present:   The 14th Episode of House/Full of BlackWomen New Chitlin Circuitry: Reparations Vaudeville   House/Full of BlackWomen is a site specific […]


THERE ARE MOMENTS when words, movements, sounds and sometimes smells, collide; space shifts and the air around me feels charged and electric. These instances can last for a few seconds, or even […]

BLESSED UNREST: A Festival of Possibilities at the Intersection of Social Justice and Performance

IN A TIME of spiraling inequality, discontent and violence, the sometimes vapory subject of art’s relation to social justice takes on a cold, sober, even urgent aspect. As in the […]

In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

The Experiment Called Contact Improvisation

Contact Improvisation defies any specific definition or historical analysis. The dancer most often credited for CI’s development is ambivalent about his role and some of CI’s early participants have divergent […]

What Inspires You?

Wanting a bit of winter inspiration, Dancers’ Group sent a request to a variety of dancers, administrators, choreographers, designers, artistic directors, funders, and even some politicians, asking them to respond […]