Embracing the Past and Guiding Tomorrow

Halau o Keikiali’i performs Friday, March 4, at 12 noon in San Francisco’s City Hall Rotunda as part of the free Rotunda Dance Series, presented by Dancers’ Group and World […]

SPEAK By Isabel Von Rittberg

I grew up in Wuppertal, Germany, home of Pina Bausch. As a girl I took ballet lessons with one of her dancers, also a close friend of my mother’s. Summers […]


The articles and conversations in this issue — there are budding connections among them — explore the tension between what something is and what it means

Ms, Fs, and As, Oh My! Life After Graduate School, The Transition Awaiting

ON JUNE 13, 2010 I graduated from The Ohio State University with an M.F.A. in Dance. I moved to San Francisco on June 18. This transition has been an education […]

Critical Dialogues: Rachel Howard and Pearl Marill

WHAT IF, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this […]

A Journey into Chaos: Creating Healing in Homeless Shelters

My work with the homeless didn’t start out as a brave act. It started as a necessary act. The adventure began when I moved myself and my dance company, Pythia, […]

Smuin Contemporary Ballet’s “Long disDANCE Love”

In time for Valentine’s Day, Smuin Contemporary Ballet presents Long disDANCE Love, a playful virtual dance showcase featuring the Company’s signature fusion of classical and contemporary ballet. The program will […]

Dance Scholars and Critics Convene in the Bay Area

For four days this June, the Bay Area will become the center of the dance studies universe. The two leading organizations of dance writers, historians and critics, the Society of […]

Making public our private: exhaustion, gossip, and unfinished sentences

The first thing you should know about our friendship is that when we are together, we get off-topic immediately. We are excellent at tangents. So, when Bhumi emailed us, we […]

Afrimerica, A journey to be at home with ourselves

Is there any place on the planet more misunderstood, more misused, unknown, mistaken, proclaimed, mythologized and unresolved than the continent of Africa (the answer is ‘no,’ btw)?