The Consummate Conversationalist: An Interview with Monique Jenkinson

Conversation comes easy to Monique Jenkinson. We sat down together for dinner at her home in the Mission–to talk about her work–and nearly four laughter-filled hours later I found myself […]

Reality in Black Swan or Just a Lot of B.S.?

NOTE: SPOILER ALERT It’s an understatement to say that everyone is talking about Black Swan. The reviews have been out and widespread since it opened in December. Natalie Portman has […]

Tangoing Through

AS I RE-PLAY 2010 IN MY MIND, one night pops as among the most meaningful and apt to influence me in 2011. As I grieved the imminent death of a […]

Poppin’ Fresh: The 12th Annual SF Hip Hop DanceFest

HIP HOP IS BIG BUSINESS. The genre that started with kids break dancing at New York block parties in the 1970s is now a requirement on So You Think You […]

Bigger, Better, Faster, More: Audience Development Tools for the 21st Century

THERE’S A REVOLUTION BREWING in audience development, that amorphous and all-encompassing term that describes the tools we use to lure and keep patrons in our seats. A slew of new […]

Space to Speak

It was Agent Betty that I saw first. I was traveling home on BART, listening to some 1980’s rock music when they stepped into my mind and stood in front of a well-armed police station.