Community Calendar

june 17 2021- stylish muscling

today’s slushee is partly a memoriam for Julia Cziller Redick, my first dance teacher who passed away in april. from our first lesson, she instilled in me a spirit of creative play, the necessity of functional movement , and a sense of taste and style.

Fall 2021

Read the digital edition: Fall 2021 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations, read in the FlippingBook above. Download […]

Summer 2021

Read the digital edition: Summer 2021 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations read in the Flipping Book above. […]

Spring 2021

Read the digital edition: Spring 2021 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations read in the Flipping Book above. […]

Winter 2021

Read the digital edition: Winter 2021 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations read in the Flipping Book above. […]

In Conversation: Claudine Naganuma and Selma Apara

You are reading excerpts from Claudine Naganuma and Selma Apara’s recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Lovers of Home: The Diouf Family

It’s 8:37 am on a Saturday in March, at the home of the Diouf family.

In Conversation with Vanessa Sanchez

Who’s getting funded and who has access to getting funded? And really looking at a lot of my mentors in the Bay Area and beyond who…have changed and shaped communities and done this work for decades and decades and decades, but because of resources and because of language barriers, they aren’t necessarily able to apply and receive the funding they should be. With that, I just felt it really important in that I don’t want to be one of the only ones from the Bay Area – in our kind of world of dancers of color who are coming from dance forms from traditionally Black and brown communities – I don’t want to be one of the only ones getting this. There are so many more people who need and deserve this – this funding.

Kularts & Alleluia Panis: Setting the Stage for Filipinx Diaspora Narratives

In a conversation about how she classifies her artistic practice, she told me that she does not consider her work to be “Philippine” dance, as that would be disrespectful to regional practitioners who undergo rigorous study, practice, and discipline that she as a choreographer and dancer who has livedmost of her life in the US has not undergone…