In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

BLESSED UNREST: A Festival of Possibilities at the Intersection of Social Justice and Performance

IN A TIME of spiraling inequality, discontent and violence, the sometimes vapory subject of art’s relation to social justice takes on a cold, sober, even urgent aspect. As in the […]


THERE ARE MOMENTS when words, movements, sounds and sometimes smells, collide; space shifts and the air around me feels charged and electric. These instances can last for a few seconds, or even […]

Speak: Still With Us by Debby Kajiyama, April 2014

Editors note: Debby Kajiyama is 2014 recipient of The Della Davidson Prize. This annual award has been set-up to honor the life and work of choreographer and teacher Della Davidson by supporting innovative […]

Jack Carpenter: a Master of Illumination

The estimable dance and theater lighting designer Thomas Skelton once remarked, “There are many barriers between the dancer and good lighting, but each can be hurdled with enough imagination, common […]

CULTIVATING RELATIONSHIP: Randee Paufve Reflects on How Dancing Can be Communicative and Evocative

RANDEE PAUFVE’S PRODUCTION, Strangers Become Flowers, will have its premiere in February at ODC Commons Studio B. In November I watched a run-through at Shawl-Anderson that lasted about 45 minutes […]

Feminist Space in Dance: hers and hers asks questions with little seismic’s Katie Faulkner

Hey, We’re hers and hers. A new queer feminist dance collective in San Francisco We (Courtney King and myself) craft dance-theater with strong woman-identified performers, we write epic poems that […]

The Trinity of Souls and Mother Pine

The 14th Episode of House/Full of BlackWomen: New Chitlin Circuitry: Reparations Vaudeville The Trinity of Souls and Mother Pine Installation and Song/Poem/Prayer Circle. An installation for public meditation for breathing new […]

Jill Togawa’s Dreams and Driveways

On July 28 Jill Togawa, Director of Purple Moon Dance Company, and I held a conversation in my Berkeley home regarding her upcoming site specific performance work, When Dreams Are […]

Exploring Visible Intimacy with Ben Levy

With major support from the Kenneth Rainin Foundation, Dancers’ Group has commissioned Benjamin Levy, artistic director of LEVYdance, to create a dance-video performance installation in San Francisco later this month. […]