Welcome, May 2014

Well-placed words of encouragement brighten any day. The timing in which a teacher releases nuggets of wisdom and kindness has the ability to motivate and even alter a person’s life path. […]

Dancing with Jiajia on the Spine of the Temple of Heaven

THIS PAST DECEMBER I was selected as one of seven American choreographers to engage in a cultural exchange in China, a program of ZiRu Productions and Dancers’ Group—with financial support […]

Building Digital Parallelity for the Performing Arts: In Conversation with Stephen Backer, Co-Founder & CEO of 2ndline.tv

 (left to right) Stephen Backer, Lucas Gonze, Jacob Ritvo / Photo Courtesy of 2ndline.tv Creativity permeates the entire San Francisco Bay Area. Its tech startup culture attracts smart, driven individuals and encourages risk-taking, experimentation […]

Piñata Breakthrough: A Conversation with Liz Boubion

For the last several years, choreographer and somatic movement therapist Liz Boubion has collaborated with a variety of artists from different genres, to deconstruct piñata rituals in theaters, galleries and […]

95 and counting

score by Ann Murphy in collaboration with Wayne Hazzard, Shinichi Iova-Koga, and various texts   95 Rituals is a collaborative celebration emerging over three months in honor of visionary dance […]

WE DANCE TOGETHER, WE STAND TOGETHER: Batsheva’s 50th Anniversary Tour to San Francisco

WHEN I EMBARKED on writing an article about Batsheva Dance Company, Ohad Naharin (company artistic director), the company’s 50th anniversary, Gaga, and their upcoming tour of Sadeh21 (2011) to San Francisco in November at […]

MIZMAR, GHAWAZI AND SWORDS – OH MY! Celebrating Community Through Dance

LEAVE the chiffon, sequins and sparkles at home. Bring your friends, family and co-workers to enjoy what promises to be a spectacular afternoon with belly dance companies Bal Anat and Karavansaray. Just […]

30 YEARS: The Dance Community’s Reflections on Rita Felciano

EDITOR’S NOTE: What better way to honor a writer—especially one like dance critic Rita Felciano— than to feed her words. Along with Ann Murphy’s article on page 3, the following […]

Critical Dialogues: Heather Desaulniers and Katherine Hawthorne

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? that’s the experiment behind critical dialogues. For this […]


The pathway to adulthood is a funny thing, it’s different for everyone. In 2007, at age 42, I spontaneously decided to open a performance space (with co-founder and technical director […]