It’s Hard To Say

This is the story of a dancing banana. Try saying it out loud: “Dancing banana.” On the first syllable of “dancing” and the second syllable of “banana” your mouth turns up into a smile.

Anchor Us: Making and not Making in the time of Covid

For two artists who are self-producing events for their local communities, the notion of having a practice that negated any kind of product appealed—at once sustainable and restorative.

In Conversation with Erik Lee

I’m very much so interested in this idea of opening new – it’s not a reopening, I’m not trying to return to the way things were before – I’m really invested in how we move forward.

CRITICAL DIALOGUES: Rachel Howard and Scott Marlowe

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this first installment, […]

2010 Highlight

AS A READER, discovering an especially evocative and compelling turn of phrase can be transformative. I sit down with certain books and authors repeatedly because I am offered the promise […]

Piñata Breakthrough: A Conversation with Liz Boubion

For the last several years, choreographer and somatic movement therapist Liz Boubion has collaborated with a variety of artists from different genres, to deconstruct piñata rituals in theaters, galleries and […]

I, What, We, How: Ruminations on Community

I feel In quiet moments I begin to notice things that are sensual, things that are always, and my thoughts like fascia holding everything together. I experience my city-home of […]

Queer Collisions: Personal Interrogations of Life and Performance

I think I’m queer, but I hesitate to think so. Here are some known facts about my queerness: How I might be queer 1. I’ve been curated into a queer […]

SPEAK By Patty Berne

“A performance project on disability and sexuality? Really? Why? I mean, I never really thought that handicapped people have sex!” — anonymous observation #132 Blunt truth be told, we do […]

tool logic aesthetic

The idea for this triumvirate first started to percolate in my brain several years ago during an improvisation workshop. A discussion arose from a disagreement about determining if a score […]