SPEAK: What’s the Big Deal with Cultural Appropriation, and What’s the Path Forward?

Photo by Rachel Duff Photography Cultural appropriation is considered to be the taking of one or more aspects of a culture other than one’s own and using it for personal […]

SPEAK: Dialogues in the Diaspora

Photo by Leo Resplandor As a dancemaker, my chosen form of expression is bharatanatyam, a traditional dance form of South India. Like many traditional art forms, bharatanatyam feels precious, like […]


Imagine a society—a world—that enables and ensures each person can live and create without money. I hope and dream about this. It will be an equalizing time when every individual […]

An open letter to the lost

  The main form of dance I practice as of late is Contact Improvisation (CI). The name tells you everything: you are improvising while in contact with another person or […]

The Draw(back) of Awarding Achievement

Contributor note: Unattributed quotes were shared with me anonymously as research for this piece. Around this time every year we are inundated with being told what the “best” of the […]

First Things First

Northwest Arkansas and Benton County roller derby leaguers at the Meet the Momentary festival in Bentonville, Arkansas Photo by Erika Chong Shuch First things first: how are you? Amid the […]

A Ladder To Anna

Photo by Shinichi Iova-Koga I climb an extension ladder placed in the patio below my mother’s balcony, while she sits in her wheelchair looking down at me. This is how […]


I hope you’re well, and I hope you’re safe. For most of 2020 these daily words were written in emails, texts and in posts on social. They do bear repeating: […]

ONSITE: Fog Beast

The Big Reveal – 2019 – Fog Beast Dancers’ Group and the Asian Art Museum presented Fog Beast’s The Big Reveal  Expanding our notions of what a dance performance can […]

Burn Scars

You can still see the burn scars that dot the hills near the campus where I live, which is on the unceded territory of the Awaswas-speaking Uypi tribe and the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band