Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

When Salsa Swipes Right on Somatics, There is a Match

Photo by David Poertner What if the digital space could be a reprieve, an alternate reality for postcolonial dance research? Perhaps now, working outside of institutional demands, brown perspectives can […]

The Abundant Season: Fall Performance Preview

The Bay Area welcomes a bounty of shows this fall, from outdoor aerials to free festivals and avant-garde dance-theater – this preview offers just a taste of what’s to come. […]

To Be A Traveler in Your Own City, Oct 2008

Where would you take out of town visitors if they arrived today? What’s “interesting” about San Francisco, something tourists travel the world to see? How would you compose an insider’s […]

Ten Tips for Creating a Top Performing Website

Think back to the last dance performance you saw: How did it inspire you? What feelings did you have after you left the performance? How did you hear about it? […]

Dancing Archivists: A Conversation

Hallie Chametzky and Sarah Nguyen are archivist dance-makers who met at the Mark Morris Dance Group Archives, where Sarah was working and Hallie was visiting, in the fall of 2019.

Artist Residencies as Homes for Community-building and Risk-taking

IN THE RECENTLY-RELEASED documentary about Yvonne Rainer called Feelings are Facts, one statement reveals a key element in the artistic explorations of the 1960s: Steve Paxton says that he had […]

Dance Discourse Project #20

ALL THE PRACTICE: What we’re really making… Tue, Nov 11, 2014, 7:30pm Z Space, 450 Florida St, SF Free In DDP #20, hosted by Z Space, guest moderators Jesse Hewit and […]

Soft Power

Uncomfortable sweat drips under my arms, my cheeks burning as I speak up on the panel. I challenge an application because it’s unclear how the applicant belonged to a marginalized BIPOC community and why they share stories of this community as a cis-white person.

Designing for More People in the Palace

So, in terms of my approach there are two pathways: there’s what the space is, and there’s what the space means. They are different ways of unpacking the building.