Edited by Zackary Forcum No matter where I go I can’t help being informed and infused by the culture, architecture, history, and resonance of an area and its people. This […]

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.

ONSITE: Amara Tabor-Smith

He Moved Swiftly But Gently Down the Not Too Crowded Street: Ed Mock and Other True Tales in a City That Once Was… June 15, 21, 22 & 23, 2013 […]

given, found, finding, making, re-making, finding again

Photo by Hong Xu. [ID: A young Chinese father wears a long-sleeved collared shirt and tie, holding his baby daughter half-wrapped in a towel. He’s in the middle of exclaiming […]

A Conversation with Jawole Willa Jo Zollar

The following is an exchange between former Urban Bush Women Associate Artistic Director and dancer Amara Tabor Smith and Urban Bush Women’s founder and Director, Jawole Willa Jo Zollar. Zollar […]

Jester in the Router: Multi-site Performance Using The Internet

Imagine artistic and cultural exchange on a worldwide scale. One where live, truly collaborative performing arts events occur on a regular basis at multiple locations simultaneously, not simply connecting a […]

In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

Departing from Tradition: Insights from Java

I came to Central Java—to the town of Solo—18 months ago, with the intention of creating artistic collaborations with Indonesian artists, to study with Suprapto Suryodarmo (Javanese improvisation performer and […]

MovingGround: Site-Specific Performance Making Workshop

Learn tools and skills for creating site-specific performance work, in this beautiful urban farm location. How do you work with and on land as a maker creating an audience-interactive experience? […]

The Call: San Francisco Native Margaret Jenkins Always Moves Forward

Margaret Jenkins, known to the dance world as Margy, has been making dances for most of her 75-years. She trained at the leading edge of performance with Judy Job, Welland […]