Dancing Borders, Digitial Nations

DRESSED IN CAMBODIAN REGALIA and wearing a highly-stylized tail, Ouk Solichumnith appears as Sovann Macha. Her wrists turn softly as she kicks a leg back and upward past her waist; […]

Gaining Perspectives, Changing Perceptions: ARTICLE #1: How Politics and Power Shaped Dance in Pakistan

In a time where hatred and violence are a common occurrence abroad and in the U.S., I believe that artists play a critical role as cultural ambassadors and social change-makers. […]

The Emperor’s Old Clothes?: Reflections on Thirty Years of the Ethnic Dance Festival

Upfront: here is my disclaimer and confession. I owe much to the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival (EDF), which marks 30 years of presenting this June. I have lived on […]

Collective Matters on Dance and Other Body Modifications

Dancing Around Race (DAR) explores the socio-cultural dimensions of race within the interconnected fields of choreography, dance presentation, dance training, funding, curatorial practices, and dance criticism in U.S. contemporary and […]

Restoration Through Transformation

Let’s face it. Pretty much everything, as we know it, has changed. So much of what we believed to be true and invested in is collapsing before our very eyes. […]

Musings on The People’s Palace

Joanna Haigood’s Zaccho Dance Theatre is also an ancient art that portrays the living bodies of a place in motion, flight, and proximity to the stories that become enshrined built and unbuilt places upon the earth.

Gaining Perspectives, Changing Perceptions – ARTICLE #2: Our World in Constant Motion

Editors Note: In the December 2016 issue of In Dance Farah Yasmeen Shaikh wrote about her experiences as a Pakistani Muslim-American woman Kathak artist and her work teaching and performing […]

What Does “Healthy” Mean? A Look at Dancers’ Body Types and Shifting Notions of Wellness

It wasn’t so long ago that university dance programs were affiliated with physical education departments, and some schools were slower than others in moving their dance students into the humanities. […]

Gaining Perspectives, Changing Perceptions – Article #3: The Illusion of Borders

EDITORS NOTE: In this ongoing series for In Dance Farah Yasmeen Shaikh writes about her experiences as a Pakistani Muslim-American woman Kathak artist and her work teaching and performing in […]

When Dance Hits Music: Two choreographers and a string quartet creatively collide in “StringWreck”

“Charlie and I recognize that we might be inviting catastrophe in terms of trying new things with new people in new situations where there’s just very little known ground,” says […]