Creating Joy so that We May Remember

There are so many similarities and parallels to our lives, sometimes it takes art in order for us to see and feel it.ย 

A QUEERspace For All

We founded Bahiya Movement in 2011 to build a safe haven for those who are typically “othered” by white-supremacist culture, which is very present in the performing arts community and beyond.

San Francisco Ballet School: Virtual Gentle Ballet Monthly Series

This class is specifically designed for adults who may be older, recovering from an injury, or have limited mobility. Classes will offer the benefits of a classical ballet technique class […]

New View with Karim Baer

KARIM BAER is the recently hired Executive Director of Alonzo King LINES Ballet. Before joining LINES, he served as a presenter directing an arts and ideas program for California Institute […]

Rogelio Lopez & Dancers: Entre Despierto y Dormido (Between Awake and Asleep)

In this new work by Rogelio Lopez and Dancers, fantasies, anxieties, and a floral print merge on a search for an essential essence that has been shamed away. A search […]

A Letter to Our Multi-Marginalized Disabled Dancers

My beloved disabled dancers,

I am gazing at the shadows of trees dancing upon
gravel walls as the golden hour sun joins in.
Itโ€™s beautiful isnโ€™t it?

Conversations with Anna Halprin

Photo by Rick Chapman As surely everyone must know by now, Anna Halprin turns 100 on July 13, 2020. Just as her work has celebrated the dancer in every body, […]

slow, sticky, sustainable

I am ready for a different world. I am ready for a world where care leads practices of policy-making. I am ready for a world where we abolish not only systems of physical incarceration, but punitive and carceral thinking and culture as well.

Y-Exchange Co-Presented by Kinetech Arts, ODC and Djerassi

Y-Exchangeย is a monthly series of presentations about performing arts, technology, science and how they intersect and inform one another. This event is open to the public and admission is free. […]

Virtual Open House 2.0

The first in a fall series of Virtual Open Houses – a new platform for digital performance features: Bahiya Movement – Afia Thompson (she/her)/ in collaboration with Bianca Mendoza (Binki […]