In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

Longing: The Global Postmodern Poetics of David Roussève’s “Saudade”, Mar 2009

The same moment I discovered how much my body could be hated is the same moment my heart discovered how much I could be loved. This was a life that […]

In Practice: Encounters Over 60 with Margaret Jenkins

Merián Soto, Photo by Bill Hebert In October and November 2019, I saw the work of three remarkable New York-based artists: Adia Whitaker, Miguel Gutierrez, and Tere O’Connor. Although O’Connor […]

In Conversation: Maurya Kerr and Alaja Badalich

You are reading excerpts from Maurya Kerr and Alaja Badalich’s recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Gravitating Towards Elders Through Somatic Education

Parenting of grandchildren is one of the many situations older adults face. It demands multiple skills and staying on top of their physical and mental health.

Synchronous Objects: What Else Might Dance Look Like?: An Interview with Professor Norah Zuniga-Shaw

Back in college, while in one of my countless rehearsals I remember thinking, “I wonder what areas of the stage we use the most?” Little did I know that this […]

Care. Liberation. Now.: Changing Shape, Shaping Change

Dancing Care In April 2021, right after we’d both been vaccinated, I began to meet weekly with a dancer friend and collaborator.  We met, keeping our masks on, in my […]

Choreographing Change; An Interview with USF

Amie Dowling is currently a faculty member in the Performing Arts Department at the University of San Francisco. I first met her the senior year of my undergraduate education at […]

In Conversation: David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes

You are reading excerpts from David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes’ recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Departing from Tradition: Insights from Java

I came to Central Java—to the town of Solo—18 months ago, with the intention of creating artistic collaborations with Indonesian artists, to study with Suprapto Suryodarmo (Javanese improvisation performer and […]