In Practice: Sean Dorsey, Fresh Meat Productions, and Trans Joy

As he looks back on 20 years of making and producing performance by trans, gender-nonconforming (GNC), two-spirit, and queer artists in the Bay Area and across the country, Sean Dorsey, Artistic Director of Sean Dorsey Dance (SDD) and founder of Fresh Meat Productions (FMP), is positively glowing.

BLESSED UNREST: A Festival of Possibilities at the Intersection of Social Justice and Performance

IN A TIME of spiraling inequality, discontent and violence, the sometimes vapory subject of art’s relation to social justice takes on a cold, sober, even urgent aspect. As in the […]

One Website under California with Profiles and Resources for all, May 2008

Starting this May, every dance group in California from the San Francisco Ballet to the local community center hip hop group will have access to a powerful new tool for […]

New Book: Site Dance

Review by Kegan Marling SITE DANCE: Choreographers and the Lure of Alternative Spaces Edited by Melanie Kloetzel and Carolyn Pavlik Site-specific dance has a long and complex history, and I’ve […]

Questioning Contact Improvisation

Photo by Robbie Sweeny INTRODUCTION For more than 15 years I’ve been working to understand and to explain how the social contexts of contact improvisation (CI) remain predominantly white and […]

A Decade of Difference; Voice of Dance Comes Into Its Own, Mar 2007

An overview of the online hub for dance’s development into an international web destination.

Kularts & Alleluia Panis: Setting the Stage for Filipinx Diaspora Narratives

In a conversation about how she classifies her artistic practice, she told me that she does not consider her work to be “Philippine” dance, as that would be disrespectful to regional practitioners who undergo rigorous study, practice, and discipline that she as a choreographer and dancer who has livedmost of her life in the US has not undergone…

Uplift Quotient: Flyaway Builds a Bridge, July/ Aug 2009

“One thing that happened,” Jo Kreiter says, “was that I had a child, and so I spent many months just sitting in a yellow rocking chair.” This hardly sounds like […]

Keepers of Home: Muisi-kongo & Kiazi Malonga

Muisi-kongo Malonga and Kiazi Malonga are the children of Malonga Casquelourd, a world-renowned Congolese dancer, drummer and choreographer who built an exceptional legacy in the traditional arts in the US, and spent half his life activating Congolese culture at the Alice Arts Center (now named after him), in Oakland, California

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.