Stepping to the Beat of a Different Fiddle with the Barbary Coast Cloggers

As the first high notes of fiddle fill the air, a group of twelve men in jeans and flannel shirts begin to clap rhythmically. A banjo joins the fiddle, and […]

Effective Use of Social Media

You probably don’t need me to tell you how quickly the media landscape has changed, but a study published this past summer by Arbitron, makes it clear that social media […]

Out of Touch

“Secretly I want to be ‘Amma’ a.k.a. ‘the hugging saint,’ the Indian spiritual leader who goes around the world giving hugs to millions of people. I want to midwife life after COVID-19, to bring people back into their bodies.” –April 20, 2020

Chris Black’s Multigenerational Edition of the Rotunda Dance Series

During her 20 years of creating theatrical and humorous work in the Bay Area, Chris Black describes her shift from creating works for the stage to developing intricate site-specific dance […]

Catching up with Dana Lawton Dances and The Farallonites

One Saturday afternoon last February, I sat upstairs in Shawl-Anderson Dance Center’s large studio space watching Dana Lawton Dances (DLD) prepare their upcoming new work, The Farallonites.

Equity, Equality, and Solidarity

Racial Equity Commitment and Conversation January 26, 2021 – Dancers’ Group affirms and recommits to striving for racial equity, both internally in our work environment, work processes, and hiring decisions […]


I’ve been reading, reading, reading. It’s a lovely part of my job. I get to read grant proposals, budgets (numbers tell a story, too), research studies, emails and numerous articles […]

Ad Infinitum Identities: The work of Pseuda & Kim Ip

Pseuda can be seen from a stage, holding two metal chain ropes attached to the limbs of another body. A doll, a dancer, Kim Ip. It’s Halloween, 2015, at B4bel4b Gallery, and the audience doesn’t yet know that Kim and Pseuda are chained together until they begin to stretch away, the chains syncing a nexus between bodies.

The Manifesto of the Collective

After months of colliding with each other, our very own Niara Hardister took the initiative to assemble the most inclusive, supportive, and talented group of folks I know.

How Much Should I Pay?

?? Dancers’ Group · What Should I Pay? by Katie Taylor If you prefer to read this piece, continue below.   What does it mean to pay for the things […]