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Month For Dancer’s Health – Dancing Upside Down: Considerations for warm-up and progressions with ground-based inversions with Dr. Stephanie Greenspan, DPT and Dr. Alyssa Herrera-Set, DPT
February 22 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
FreeThis workshop provides dancers, dance educators, and healthcare professionals with strategies to enhance safety while teaching and practicing ground-based inversions and acrobatics in dance. We’ll begin with a brief discussion of injuries related to inversions and ground acrobatics and important safety considerations for teaching them. This will be followed by a movement session to prepare dancers for dancing on their hands with attention to the spine and upper extremities. The exercises will be targeted to dance educators integrating inversions or acrobatics into class or choreography.
In this image you see a woman sitting on a black chair talking. She has her hands in front of her with her fingers splayed as if shes holding a ball. There is a full body display skeleton behind her… and a folding screen that is dark wood with white fabric. She is wearing black pants, a black thin belt, and a rosy pink blouse.