In Dance

Soft Power

[caption id="attachment_55643" align="aligncenter" width="828"] Photo by Malia Byrne [Image ...

In Practice: Sean Dorsey, Fresh Meat Productions, and Trans Joy

[caption id="attachment_55770" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Photo by Lydia Daniller. [ID: ...


I’ve been reading, reading, reading. It’s a lovely part of my job. I get to read grant ...

Finding a Flow Through Heartistry

Oh my, not another podcast. With an infinite number of podcasts to listen to, why would I add ...

Anchor Us: Making and not Making in the time of Covid

Photo by Aura Fischbeck In mid-December 2020, my friend and colleague Christy Funsch and I began ...

It’s Hard To Say

This is the story of a dancing banana. Try saying it out loud: “Dancing banana.” On the first ...

Burn Scars

[caption id="attachment_55580" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Katherine Helen Fisher [ID: ...

In Conversation: Maurya Kerr and Alaja Badalich

Dancers' Group · In Conversation With Maurya Kerr And Alaja Badalich. You are reading ...

In Conversation: Claudine Naganuma and Selma Apara

Dancers' Group · In Conversation With Claudine Naganuma And Selma Apara You are reading ...

In Conversation

In Conversation is a series of interviews exploring intergenerational conversations about dance and ...