The Year in Bay Area Dance, Dec 2008

As a way to close out another year ‘in dance,’ we take a look back at some of the memorable moments of 2008. We asked what you felt were the […]

SPEAK: Dance Artists on Dance

Leaving a recent Fullbright grant meeting, encouraged by the advisor’s response to my project idea, her parting words hit like bricks: “you just have to follow your dream.” I’ve been […]

SPEAK: A Community Perspective

When approached by Joe Landini to curate a male choreographers festival I said, “Yes.” As a man, I’ve been struggling to understand how I can be a part of the […]

Welcome, May 2010

Community — A complex notion? Or as simple and essential as breathing? Our community can be represented by those we are born into, or those we choose for consistent needs […]

Gray Zones: Ko Muroboshi’s Hand in the Development of inkBoat’s Crazy Cloud

Once again I’m roaming East Mountain hungry. When you are starving, a bowl of rice is worth a thousand pieces of gold. An ancient worthy swapped his wisdom for a […]

A Breath Of Fresh Air: Emerging Within Tradition

Tell Aaron Sencil, the artistic director of Tahitian dance company, Hui Tama Nui, that his group is going to be profiled in a dance publication and his response is, “Cool!” […]

Welcome, May 2014

Well-placed words of encouragement brighten any day. The timing in which a teacher releases nuggets of wisdom and kindness has the ability to motivate and even alter a person’s life path. […]

Reinventing Emily: A Choreographer

With my company, Danse Lumière (formerly Anima Mundi), a small-scale dance-theater group, I delve into large themed projects that lead me into deeper engagement with the subjects: I create unique […]

Dana Lawton Embraces Big Moments

FOR EVERY CHOREOGRAPHER the prospect of presenting his or her first full evening of work represents a thrilling and terrifying creative milestone. This month choreographer Dana Lawton “takes the plunge” […]

ONSITE: Amara Tabor-Smith

He Moved Swiftly But Gently Down the Not Too Crowded Street: Ed Mock and Other True Tales in a City That Once Was… June 15, 21, 22 & 23, 2013 […]