What is Dance/USA?

You’ve most likely heard the name Dance/USA. But what exactly does the organization do? Why, you may ask, do we need a national organization for dance when we’ve got support […]

Community Calendar

Stories in the Moment: Creating shared spaces of belonging for and with people living with dementia

All screenshots captured by Magda Kaczmarska [ID: Eight images show Magda, a person with short brown hair in a white turtleneck and blue track pants and Bob and Barb, two […]

Presence and Liveness in Online Learning: A Lesson in Choreographing Students from Afar

For the past year, I have been working on a new choreography that premiered this past April 17-26 as a part of the annual Berkeley Dance Project (BDP) directed by […]

Leading the Dance Field Through Change

During my first few months as the executive director of Dance/USA, I engaged dance leaders from around the country in conversations about the state of the field. What are they […]

One Website under California with Profiles and Resources for all, May 2008

Starting this May, every dance group in California from the San Francisco Ballet to the local community center hip hop group will have access to a powerful new tool for […]

Dance/USA: A Summer Camp Survival Guide

Like camp as a kid, the national dance community can look forward to Dance/USA’s Annual Conference each summer. Except, instead of the arts & crafts table, scary campfire stories, and […]

Dance/USA Convenes in Philadelphia

“It’s a small world,” continues to ring in my ears with each connection I make in the dance field, as I often find a friend of a friend or colleague […]

Regaining an American Foothold in the International Dance Scene

According to a survey conducted for Dance/USA in 1991, national dance touring companies earned approximately 40% of their income from international engagements. The majority of companies stated that international touring […]

Do You YouTube?

Every week, I get a question from someone in the dance community about online videos. As a web consultant with a variety of dance experience, I know a thing or […]