From Mexico to California and Back: A Look at Los Lupeños de San José

Since 1969, Los Lupeños de San José has been exploring Mexico’s rich and passionate culture through dance. Dancers’ Group and World Arts West proudly present Los Lupeños for the Friday, […]

Welcome, Apr 2012

What do you value about dance? This question is often asked in our office–with a host of amazing responses–and given who you ask, this simple question will absolutely elicit a […]

Getting in on the Act: Activating the Arts

What exactly do you mean by ‘participatory arts practices’?” a dancer recently asked me. A Confessional Tale We were on a rehearsal break and I was casually talking to a […]

Living and Moving in a Way that Grows: A Look at Sustainability

Shop locally. Eat regionally. These are two adages that get thrown around often in the culture that permeates the Bay Area. It is a hallmark of where we live, a […]

Room Enough For All: Debunking Bay Area Hula Traditions

Even with the impressive and growing number of hula schools in the Bay Area, a majority of people still associate hula dance with a false stereotype. “Most people think of […]

Welcome, May 2010

Community — A complex notion? Or as simple and essential as breathing? Our community can be represented by those we are born into, or those we choose for consistent needs […]


CHOREOGRAPHER, DANCER AND KUMU HULA (master teacher) Patrick Makuakane is a dynamo of thoughtful energy and good-natured cheer. Speaking with him in a coffee shop near his home in Potrero Hill, I was […]

Secondary Scores in Improvisations: Opening up the Space with Improvisation as Performance

The Unspoken Scores in Improvisation as Performance In a dance form that requires a heightened sense of patience, self motivation, confidence, risk taking, and willingness to fail (as well as […]

SPEAK: A Community Perspective

When approached by Joe Landini to curate a male choreographers festival I said, “Yes.” As a man, I’ve been struggling to understand how I can be a part of the […]

SPEAK: Dance Artists on Dance

Leaving a recent Fullbright grant meeting, encouraged by the advisor’s response to my project idea, her parting words hit like bricks: “you just have to follow your dream.” I’ve been […]