Dance Film Comes of Age

A look at the marriage of dance and film. Stephanie Linakis explores this artistic shift, who it interests, and which events in the upcoming year will highlight the use of this medium.

Imbuing Spirit into Cloth

  I didn’t wake up one day thinking I should create ritual costumes. They snuck up on me. They whispered to me, they brought magic into my home and drew […]

Campbell Heritage Theatre

Adaptar en vez de Excluir: una Conversación con Nadia Adame, Directora Artística de AXIS Dance Company

A los 14 años, tuve un accidente automovilístico que me dejó con una lesión en la médula espinal. El médico me dijo: “Ya no puedes hacer esto. Ya no puedes bailar. Debes encontrar otra carrera”.

Gravitating Towards Elders Through Somatic Education

Parenting of grandchildren is one of the many situations older adults face. It demands multiple skills and staying on top of their physical and mental health.

Do You YouTube?

Every week, I get a question from someone in the dance community about online videos. As a web consultant with a variety of dance experience, I know a thing or […]

Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

TLAOLI: Gente del Maiz

Para Rodrigo Esteva — translation from Spanish by Mirah Moriarty included below. Mirah y yo creamos Dance Monks en el 2000 mientras vivíamos en Xalapa, México. Antes de esto habíamos pasado […]

Philanthropy Future/Present

Ten years from now: these things I know. New program officers will think they are smarter and funnier than their predecessors. Foundations will have undergone (at least once) strategic planning […]

A Virtual Concept: Taking a New Look at Technology and Networking in Artist Residencies

CounterPULSE wanted to try something new with Performing Diaspora to better support work from artists, document the process of production and to interact with audiences. We created a virtual artist […]