From Streets of Oakland to World Stage: A Conversation with Johnny Lopez

For many, Friday signals the end of a work week, but for Johnny Lopez, founder of TURFinc there are no days off. From managing day to day operations to talent […]

Did You Know?: Dasha Chernova

In 2017 Bay Area-based and Russian-born Dasha Chernova began Telaboratoria (in Russian, “telo” means body and “laboratoria” means laboratory), a program offering dance and theater improvisation classes and workshops designed […]

Exploring Power and Agency in Early Childhood Dance

In the current political backdrop of the United States and the slew of problems we’re facing, the role of the early dance educator has never been more vital to ensuring […]

Do You Know? Alicia Langlais

Highlighting the Activities of Artists/Organizations in Our Region Alicia “the Dance Dragon Slayer” Langlais is a self-described dance entrepreneur; whose work includes teaching and coaching. Alicia says she hopes that […]

Somatic Costumes: from Choreography to Socio-political Acts

“Dance is political not because of its subject matter but because of the way dances are made, how they are structured, and what they show about people relating to each […]

Lessons from the Past: in Conversation with Lenora Lee

photo by Robbie Sweeny The Gold Rush: 1848-1855. Much attention has been paid to this historical era. And for good reason. It was a time when folks from near and […]

Fabric Animal: Weaving Bodies Through Time

On a recent afternoon in Emeryville, Sonsherée Giles and Sebastian Grubb gave a work-in-progress showing of their upcoming duet, Fabric Animal, to long-time Bay Area choreographer Nancy Karp. They have […]

RoCo Dance: Yoga/Dance classes

Adult Classes: Livestream Classes: Single Class: $15/class 10 Class Card:$135 (13.50 per class. Good for any class, expires 6 months after purchase) In Person Classes: Single Class: $22/class 10 Class Cards:$200.00 […]

Swing Dance Lives On in the Bay Area

Impossible to resist. You know that toe-tapping, pre- World War II tune “Sing, Sing, Sing” that commands you to dance the moment you hear it? That was the point of […]

In Practice: Meet Talli Jackson

Photo by Eric Polizer I grew up in Brooklyn (New York, not Wisconsin; if you think the clarification is unnecessary, you’ve never been to Wisconsin). And this is what it […]