Cracked Open: Reflection on Moving the Body-Brain, Moving the Brain-Body – a danced lecture

Prompted by Dominic’s creative matchmaking, Paul and I had a conversation via Zoom that allowed us to speak about our dance-making as a way of engaging with and transforming difficult legacies that are invariably written on and encoded in our bodies.

Restoration Through Transformation

Let’s face it. Pretty much everything, as we know it, has changed. So much of what we believed to be true and invested in is collapsing before our very eyes. […]

Dance Theater on the Eve of the Election

“It’s just been very intriguing to me, I didn’t plan it this way: it always seems as if the support and the interest of the venues seem to come forward […]

Finding Tap in the Bay Area

THE NOVEMBER 2015 In Dance article, Finding Flamenco by Heather DeSaulniers, inspired me to focus my own research on a unique dance form, therefore I have pulled together a variety […]

Jill Togawa’s Dreams and Driveways

On July 28 Jill Togawa, Director of Purple Moon Dance Company, and I held a conversation in my Berkeley home regarding her upcoming site specific performance work, When Dreams Are […]

In Practice: Book Review: Katherine Dunham: Dance and the African Diaspora by Joanna Dee Das

The first time I met dance historian Joanna Dee Das was either at an event she curated when she was a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Dance Studies at Stanford or […]

Musing on Merce: The Bay Area Remembers Cunningham

Merce Cunningham’s relationship with the Bay Area was deep and career-spanning, so on the eve of his company’s final performances at UC Berkeley, Claudia Bauer asked several local artists to […]

SPEAK: On Being Ally and Aesthetic Warrior

Calling all women warriors to the table. To the think tank. the battle eld. the theater. the aftermath. We will be our own landing ground, recovery center, aesthetic re-design gym, […]

Keepers of Home: Muisi-kongo & Kiazi Malonga

Muisi-kongo Malonga and Kiazi Malonga are the children of Malonga Casquelourd, a world-renowned Congolese dancer, drummer and choreographer who built an exceptional legacy in the traditional arts in the US, and spent half his life activating Congolese culture at the Alice Arts Center (now named after him), in Oakland, California

My Year in the Show Ring

Editor’s Note: Having danced with Chicago Moving Company, Winnipeg’s Contemporary Dancers, and Theatre of the Open Eye in New York, John R. Killacky has played several roles in the Bay […]