Fourth to Fifth Generation Flamenco & Spanish Dancer

I was 5 years old and it was “show and tell” day at my elementary school.

Walking Backwards

I love dancers. More than actually dancing or dance itself, I love dancers.

eMotion Arts: A Conversation with Mariana Sobral and Susannah Faulkner

Photo by Kyle Adler Artistic Director Mariana Sobral and Assistant Director and Company Manager Susannah Faulkner discussed their company eMotion Arts with Dancers’ Group. eMotion Arts is a contemporary ballet […]

given, found, finding, making, re-making, finding again

Photo by Hong Xu. [ID: A young Chinese father wears a long-sleeved collared shirt and tie, holding his baby daughter half-wrapped in a towel. He’s in the middle of exclaiming […]

Beyond Aesthetics: Bachata, Politics, Praxis

Originating among the (predominantly Black) rural poor in the Dominican Republic in the latter half of the twentieth century, bachata music and the accompanying dance steps were stigmatized by the sociopolitical elite as vulgar, low-class forms of entertainment unsuitable for polite society.

In Conversation with Vanessa Sanchez

Who’s getting funded and who has access to getting funded? And really looking at a lot of my mentors in the Bay Area and beyond who…have changed and shaped communities and done this work for decades and decades and decades, but because of resources and because of language barriers, they aren’t necessarily able to apply and receive the funding they should be. With that, I just felt it really important in that I don’t want to be one of the only ones from the Bay Area – in our kind of world of dancers of color who are coming from dance forms from traditionally Black and brown communities – I don’t want to be one of the only ones getting this. There are so many more people who need and deserve this – this funding.

Cyphers in Cyberspace: Reimagining Cultural Arts and Dance Education in a Post-COVID World

As I reflect on this year of virtual dance learning, one thing has become strikingly clear: not only are many of our young students tragically estranged from their cultural and artistic heritage, but this estrangement negatively affects their social, emotional, and intellectual development.

When Salsa Swipes Right on Somatics, There is a Match

Photo by David Poertner What if the digital space could be a reprieve, an alternate reality for postcolonial dance research? Perhaps now, working outside of institutional demands, brown perspectives can […]

Tips on Writing a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Grant Application

DOS AND DON’TS Planning is key to success. Think carefully about your outline and proposal. Talk about your ideas with staff and colleagues. Good writing does not usually happen in […]

Being Good is OVERrated: Creating a Pray-Ritual

I am remembering my dad when he left me in the parking lot of Tegucigalpa’s tiny airport when I was 14 years old, and he said “always remember your country.” […]