Do You YouTube?

Every week, I get a question from someone in the dance community about online videos. As a web consultant with a variety of dance experience, I know a thing or […]

ONSITE: Katie Faulkner

We Don’t Belong Here FREE Performances Union Square: Thu-Fri, Sept 29-30 and Sun, Oct 2, 2011 Yerba Buena Lane: Thu-Sun, Oct 6-9, 2011 All performances began at 8pm Do I […]

In Conversation: David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes

You are reading excerpts from David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes’ recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Ad Infinitum Identities: The work of Pseuda & Kim Ip

Pseuda can be seen from a stage, holding two metal chain ropes attached to the limbs of another body. A doll, a dancer, Kim Ip. It’s Halloween, 2015, at B4bel4b Gallery, and the audience doesn’t yet know that Kim and Pseuda are chained together until they begin to stretch away, the chains syncing a nexus between bodies.

Tips for Documenting and Preserving Your Dances

The ephemeral beauty and spontaneity of live performance is what draws many of us to dance, and also what challenges choreographers who want to leave a lasting legacy of their […]

Did You Know? Highlighting the Activity of Artists/Organizations in Our Region: Little Boxes Theater

Who created Little Boxes Theater? A-K Arts Collective. Also known as Aaron & Kitty. The first dance performance Aaron Simunovich ever saw was the Margaret Wingrove Dance Company at a […]

In Conversation

In Conversation, a series of interviews exploring exchanges about dance and different folks’ relationship to dance. Health and wellness. These are no longer just trending topics on Twitter and Instagram. […]

In Conversation with Erik Lee

I’m very much so interested in this idea of opening new – it’s not a reopening, I’m not trying to return to the way things were before – I’m really invested in how we move forward.

BRIDGING THE GAPS: Challenges and Opportunities for US-China Cross-Cultural Exchange

WHEN I FIRST VISITED CHINA to perform in the Beijing Dance Festival in 2012, I arrived assuming that modern dance in China was a relatively new, underdeveloped phenomenon. I had no […]

10 in 10 with Alyssa Mitchel

You are reading excerpts from Andréa Spearman’s recorded conversation with Alyssa Mitchel 10 in 10 theme music: Bright, upbeat pop music that you may hear in a teen-centered drama series. […]