The Abundant Season: Fall Performance Preview

The Bay Area welcomes a bounty of shows this fall, from outdoor aerials to free festivals and avant-garde dance-theater – this preview offers just a taste of what’s to come. […]


I’ve been reading, reading, reading. It’s a lovely part of my job. I get to read grant proposals, budgets (numbers tell a story, too), research studies, emails and numerous articles […]

Synchronous Objects: What Else Might Dance Look Like?: An Interview with Professor Norah Zuniga-Shaw

Back in college, while in one of my countless rehearsals I remember thinking, “I wonder what areas of the stage we use the most?” Little did I know that this […]

Welcome, Jun 2011

We’re at the half-point in the year and it’s time to remind ourselves of the good job we do and then find time to indulge in a little extra special […]

Leading the Dance Field Through Change

During my first few months as the executive director of Dance/USA, I engaged dance leaders from around the country in conversations about the state of the field. What are they […]

Dance/USA: A Summer Camp Survival Guide

Like camp as a kid, the national dance community can look forward to Dance/USA’s Annual Conference each summer. Except, instead of the arts & crafts table, scary campfire stories, and […]

Turning Point: Re-Defining Bay Area Ballet

BALLET IS DEAD, bemoans dance historian Jennifer Homans in her latest opus, Apollo’s Angels: A History of Ballet. Homans grew up in the Balanchine era and now finds the contemporary […]

Performance Preview: What’s On For This Season

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, start your espresso machines—you’ll need extra zip to keep up with the Bay Area’s spring dance schedule, which includes new pieces from renowned local choreographers, avant-garde work […]

Welcome, Nov 2010

“It gets better,” the current phrase and theme to an online video campaign seeks to help lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, queer and questioning youth understand the choices and support structures […]

Welcome, Oct 2010

I was recently confronted with the saying, “If you can spot it, you got it,” which I took as this: the faults I so easily point out in others are […]