Looking Back to Move Forward: A Continued Conversation with Yannis Adoniou and Tomi Paasonen

PART TWO OF A TWO-PART ARTICLE IN THE OCTOBER 2013 ISSUE OF IN DANCE Yannis Adoniou and Tomi Paasonen announced that come January 2014 KUNST-STOFF Dance Company (KSDC) will no […]

Rad Dads

I HAVE A 2-YEAR-OLD SON. He’s awesome. There’s something so basic about raising a kid. it’s an exercise in being present. The moment your attention wanders—your kid calls you on […]

Dana Lawton Embraces Big Moments

FOR EVERY CHOREOGRAPHER the prospect of presenting his or her first full evening of work represents a thrilling and terrifying creative milestone. This month choreographer Dana Lawton “takes the plunge” […]

Intersections: Sex and Performance in the Bay Area

THIS IS WHAT I WANT (TIWIW) is an annual live performance festival in San Francisco about desire. The festival has developed into the focus point for a field of activity […]

The Right Space For the Right Piece: Here Now Dance Collective to Perform at CounterPULSE

Consider the following scenario: You’re a dancer living in the Bay Area, and you have an impulse to choreograph. Whether making dances has always been an ambition or one day […]

ONSITE: Erika Chong Shuch

Love Everywhere A public celebration of love Feb 12-14, 2010 SF City Hall, Downtown San Francisco & Glide Memorial Church Love Everywhere kicked off in the Rotunda of San Francisco City […]

Dance/USA Convenes in Philadelphia

“It’s a small world,” continues to ring in my ears with each connection I make in the dance field, as I often find a friend of a friend or colleague […]

Regaining an American Foothold in the International Dance Scene

According to a survey conducted for Dance/USA in 1991, national dance touring companies earned approximately 40% of their income from international engagements. The majority of companies stated that international touring […]

Community Engagement: An Interview with Julie Potter, Writer in Residence at ODC

For the artist Marcel Duchamp, “a work of art is a rendez-vous,” a time and space where artists and viewers come together. At times, a third party can be present, […]

Ten Tips for Creating a Top Performing Website

Think back to the last dance performance you saw: How did it inspire you? What feelings did you have after you left the performance? How did you hear about it? […]