Uninterrupted Refuge

dear Mum,
the tv is on, endlessly buzzing about the furious snowstorm barreling onto roofs

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.

Stories in the Moment: Creating shared spaces of belonging for and with people living with dementia

All screenshots captured by Magda Kaczmarska [ID: Eight images show Magda, a person with short brown hair in a white turtleneck and blue track pants and Bob and Barb, two […]

The Reclaiming

But I was never formally taught how to advocate for myself—there’s no class for that. But what if I had been expected to point my feet, hold my core, and be able to speak up for myself? What if there had been language developed to approach difficult dance situations?

SPEAK: Times Two

Editor’s Note: 70 years ago, the 1947 Partition of British India resulted in the formation of present day India and Pakistan, causing one of the largest displacements in recent South […]

In Practice: Nina Haft & Company’s Precarious Pod

Photo by Pak Han When I was dancing with Nina Haft in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Jewish themes were prevalent. She made a dance called Minyan that derived […]

Swing Dance Lives On in the Bay Area

Impossible to resist. You know that toe-tapping, pre- World War II tune “Sing, Sing, Sing” that commands you to dance the moment you hear it? That was the point of […]

Setting Skywatchers’ “At the Table”: Connection, Empowerment, and Art at the Margins

Melanie DeMore is leading a procession from the Tenderloin to San Francisco City Hall. It’s the last Saturday in October, a little more than a week before Election Day, and […]

Do You Know? Alicia Langlais

Highlighting the Activities of Artists/Organizations in Our Region Alicia “the Dance Dragon Slayer” Langlais is a self-described dance entrepreneur; whose work includes teaching and coaching. Alicia says she hopes that […]

The Salimpour School at 70: Belly Dance for the 21st Century

Surrounded by myths, misconceptions, and sometimes maligned, belly dance as we think of it today—with two-piece costumes baring the midriff, presented in restaurants and renaissance faires—is actually quite young. While […]