Speak: “musings (or perhaps just a list of questions) on the culture of rehearsal, creative process, dancer agency and score based practices”

As a movement-based artist, my work is sustained and perpetuated by the dynamic interchange which occurs between practices of noticing, investigating, and distilling. I’m an avid observer of the human […]

Working in The Garage: Tools to Help Carve Out Space for Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance has a long history of being developed on the fringes of the cultural landscape. Choreographers have traditionally found space to make new work in basements, lofts, parking structures […]

What If Joe Landini Got Hit By A Bus?

Watching Joe Landini run and jump up on stage to yell “Welcome to The Garage!” is a San Francisco dance community staple. The recent and final close of The Garage […]

Ba-e Makiling: Deconstructing the Present to Re-imagine the Past

In a lush tropical forest speckled with dappled light and alive with the sounds of wildlife, a shape shifting deity turns herself into a wild animal that is pursued and cornered […]

Dancers’ Group: Celebrating 30 Years

To help celebrate Dancers’ Group’s 30th anniversary this year, we have reached out to people to share a special remembrance. Throughout 2012 this publication will carry a few pieces per […]

Tips on Writing a Letter of Intent (LOI) and Grant Application

DOS AND DON’TS Planning is key to success. Think carefully about your outline and proposal. Talk about your ideas with staff and colleagues. Good writing does not usually happen in […]

New View

With fresh faces popping up constantly, the local Bay Area dance community is a unique blend of seasoned and new perspectives. In Dance caught the new view from the new […]

Stretching Across the Urban Jungle: ONSITE Presents Katie Faulkner’s We Don’t Belong Here

On the heels of an ambitious four-choreographer collaboration with Kara Davis, Manuelito Biag, and Alex Ketley, Katie Faulkner is not only stretching herself as an artist, but is now literally […]

Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

Looking Ahead to the Indian Choreography Festival

Each of the five senses conjures a particular part of the body. For hearing, the ears; for touch, the skin; and so on. But the senses also draw from complementary […]