CRITICAL DIALOGUES: Rachel Howard and Scott Marlowe

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this first installment, […]

Parangal Passes It On

“We want to learn and grow artistically with a group of people who are passionate about Philippine dance. We dance for one another and the community, while giving tribute to […]

Do You YouTube?

Every week, I get a question from someone in the dance community about online videos. As a web consultant with a variety of dance experience, I know a thing or […]

The Wave of Things to Come

When the Republicans swept into power in the early 1980s they brought with them a fanatical commitment to business. Everything fit under the imperial umbrella of the marketplace, and everything […]

Bigger, Better, Faster, More: Audience Development Tools for the 21st Century

THERE’S A REVOLUTION BREWING in audience development, that amorphous and all-encompassing term that describes the tools we use to lure and keep patrons in our seats. A slew of new […]

SPEAK: Realer than Reel

I am currently in the development stages of a new performance project called HyperREAL. My process always includes an amalgamation of research, contemplating themes and ideas, collecting, absorbing and digesting […]

Funny, You Don’t Look Dancerish

The following article is the third in our series on body image and dance, and originally appeared in the New York Times’ Arts and Leisure section on May 20, 2007.

ODC/Dance: Dance Downtown 2024

Two bracing programs feature world premieres and major reprises by ODC’s Founding Artistic Director Brenda Way, Associate Choreographer Kimi Okada, ODC Fellow KT Nelson and guest choreographer Sonya Delwaide. Both […]


During the 1970s I struggled to understand complex feelings. Simultaneously I was drawn to activities that provided platforms for self-expression that took advantage of the same complex thoughts; sexual awakening, […]

Speak: RACE

1968 was a tumultuous year: Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated; the Vietnam War was losing support; Muhammad Ali was found guilty of draft evasion; and Apartheid in South Africa […]