Towards a Healthy and Sustainable Dance Ecosystem (excerpts)

THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXCERPT of a longer paper and is the result of many consultations and conversations involving Dancers’ Group board members, staff, members, funders and other stakeholders. The authors are indebted […]

San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest

Micaya is pleased to announce the San Francisco International Hip Hop DanceFest’s 25th Anniversary. A global convergence of hip hop dance artistry, the 25th Annual SFIHHDF features artists from Paris, […]

Masks Off: Sara Shelton Mann Talks About Her New Set of Simultaneous Solos, The Eye of Horus

At 70, Sara Shelton Mann remains not only one of the Bay Area’s preeminent artists, but a restless, galvanizing seeker. Her latest project, The Eye of Horus—made in collaboration with David Szlasa […]

Poppin’ Fresh: The 12th Annual SF Hip Hop DanceFest

HIP HOP IS BIG BUSINESS. The genre that started with kids break dancing at New York block parties in the 1970s is now a requirement on So You Think You […]

Ways of Looking; Disability as Ability

An examination of the way audiences, both European and American, approach integrated dance.

Instilling Life-Long Pasion: In Conversation with Elvia Marta and Annie Parr

When I set out to talk with local dance teachers, my aim was to bring more attention to the many great and dedicated teachers we have here in the San Francisco Bay […]

Goode Space

People who are familiar with Joe Goode’s performances won’t be surprised when they hear his latest endeavor is about making theatrical experiences more intimate. What is unusual is his approach […]

Reality in Black Swan or Just a Lot of B.S.?

NOTE: SPOILER ALERT It’s an understatement to say that everyone is talking about Black Swan. The reviews have been out and widespread since it opened in December. Natalie Portman has […]

An Interview with Joti and Bongo: Painting Cultures and Styles

The upcoming performance, Lanyee, is a ground-breaking spin on a traditional form. This three-show performance features Bongo Sidibe, and Duniya Dance and Drum Company in collaboration with the African Advocacy […]

Not Laughing, But Dancing

An artist with a mobility impairment reflects on her journey into dance.