Behind the Glass: A Sneak Peak Into The Lusty Lady

The first time I ever walked into the dimly lit trappings of a strip club, I was promoting Tommy Lee’s solo career. What better place to advertise than with a […]

A Messenger Creating Community: An Interview with Nimely Napla

A loved and integral member of the Bay Area’s African dance community, Nimely Napla was born in Liberia in 1961 and began dancing for the Liberian National Dance Company in […]


All warfare is based on deception… The Art of War, Sun Tzu “I joined the military when I was 17”, he said, “I started dancing when I was 18.”   Thus […]

Dance History According to Drag, Jun 2007

“A dancer’s life is a realist’s life,” says the woman onstage in a weary, regal voice. Standing in a dramatically pooled spotlight that glitters off her spangled dress and causes […]

What We Talk About When We Talk About Traditional Arts: Speaking with Lily Kharrazi of the Alliance for California Traditional Arts

When many of us come to California, we come with the goal of embracing the new and leaving our histories behind us. Our state seems to be one of perpetual […]

Delicate Acts of Artistic Courage: Performing Diaspora returns to CounterPULSE

If you’re reading In Dance, then I probably don’t need to tell you that among San Francisco arts organizations, CounterPULSE has one of the strongest reputations for presenting risk-taking and […]

Pitching Hay; Review: March 30, 2007

Deborah Hay is a hard one to catch. Years ago, she used to roll into town, often in the summer, and have a quiet interlude at Dancers’ Group/Footwork. She’d offer […]


Bay Area dancers Megan Lowe and Johnny Huy Nguyen investigate the meaning of home in a new, site-specific performance work developed during the duo’s 16-week residency at The David Ireland […]

Vaishnavi Misra Dance and Music: Anarkali , A Musical

From Vaishnavi Misra Dance and Music, comes the most endearing, timeless tale of love and fate. Anarkali, a musical, is the story of the love between a 16th century prince, […]

Mujer Sav/bia*, Guatesi torta Yalabitata**

Who we are is essentially linked to the space in which we grew up and all the memories we have about those spaces.