To Russia With Love: FACT/SF’s Trans-Siberian Tour

What do Annie Leibovitz, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra and FACT/SF have in common? They’re all cultural ambassadors to Russia through the U.S. State Department’s American Seasons program, which promotes the […]

Welcome, Oct 2011

I’m curious, when we watch a performance, how many of our aspirations are imbedded in understanding a particular moment or work? Are we imprinting our own creativity on others’ work/dances? […]

Grants for the Arts, On A Mission

When Theatre Flamenco, Hawaiian dance company Na Lei Hulu I Ka Wekiu, and Beach Blanket Babylon descend on City Hall October 7 for a festive installment of the Rotunda Dance […]

In The Know: Gaining Confidence with Arts Advocacy

As I sat in the back of an almost-full Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Novellus Theater for the SF Mayoral Arts Forum this past August, I felt a palpable […]

Classic, Contemporary and Controversial: Previewing the Upcoming Bay Area Ballet Season

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to a vibrant and diverse professional ballet scene: inventive choreography, groundbreaking collaborations, committed artistic staff and highly-skilled dancers. Companies here are able to […]

Dance Film Review: Teenagers Asked to Take on Pina Bausch

Dancing Dreams documents the collaborative journey between forty non-dancing teenagers and Pina Bausch as they set forth to re-stage Bausch’s 1978 work, Kontakthof. One of Bausch’s final projects before her […]

New View

With fresh faces popping up constantly, the local Bay Area dance community is a unique blend of seasoned and new perspectives. In Dance caught the new view from the new […]

Living and Moving in a Way that Grows: A Look at Sustainability

Shop locally. Eat regionally. These are two adages that get thrown around often in the culture that permeates the Bay Area. It is a hallmark of where we live, a […]

Israel Gone Gaga: Batsheva to the Max

Float. Pull your bones. Smear your flesh on the ground. Connect to your pleasure. Quake. Stretch your face. Find the snake in your spine. Put a good taste in your […]

Israel Gone Gaga: Batsheva to the Max

Float. Pull your bones. Smear your flesh on the ground. Connect to your pleasure. Quake. Stretch your face. Find the snake in your spine. Put a good taste in your mouth. Melt. Connect to your form. Take an ice cold shower. Boil like spaghetti. Find your groove. Above all, don’t stop moving.