Classic, Contemporary and Controversial: Previewing the Upcoming Bay Area Ballet Season

The San Francisco Bay Area is home to a vibrant and diverse professional ballet scene: inventive choreography, groundbreaking collaborations, committed artistic staff and highly-skilled dancers. Companies here are able to […]

Fear Factor: Epifano, Jan 2007

Previews of Epiphany Productions’ production “Fears of Your Life,” a collaboration with Sonic Dance Theater, AXIS Dance Company, and Creativity Explored to be performed at YBCA in February 2007.

Talkin’ Bout Our G-G-Generation: The First Dance Discourse Project Sparks a Dialogue About Who We Are Now

Does Bay Area dance today have a zeitgeist, or is its hallmark fracture and disorganization? Is there a contemporary expression of post modernism, or have we lost sight of our […]

Seventy-five and Wildly Alive: San Francisco Ballet Commissions Ten New Works

San Francisco Ballet artistic director Helgi Tomasson could have chosen to make the company’s 75th anniversary an exercise in self-glorification and nostalgia. Instead, he’s taking a gamble on the future. […]

The Noodle Factory is Dead, Long Live the Noodle Factory

Right now all you can see is beams and plywood walls, but by early 2008 the Oakland Noodle Factory should be a pipe dream made real. Imagine this: eleven live-work […]

For the Love of Dance; Dance Writers on Criticism, Nov 2007

Dancers’ Group asks seven Bay Area dance critics questions about their jobs and role of dance criticism.

Grace; Revisiting a Definition

An essay examining the historical evolution of grace as a concept and its application to integrated dance.

Under The Radar; Discovering our Sameness

A reflection on the questions around virtuosity and difference explored in Jess Curtis/Gravity’s “Under the Radar”.

You Can Go Home Again

A preview of an upcoming performance by Karole Armitage Gone! Dance Company presented by San Francisco Performances at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts.

When Dance Hits Music: Two choreographers and a string quartet creatively collide in “StringWreck”

“Charlie and I recognize that we might be inviting catastrophe in terms of trying new things with new people in new situations where there’s just very little known ground,” says […]