A Fine Time on the F Line

A sneak preview of this year’s Trolley Dances, featuring an array of performances along San Francisco’s historic F Line.

The Growing Season: Continuing Classes for Educators

Summertime–and the living is not always easy for dance teaching artists and educators. While their school teaching partners can anticipate some downtime from their full-time jobs, dance teaching artists often […]

To PhD or Not to PhD

An overview of PhD programs across the U.S. and U.K.

On Gender and Performance: Six Statements by Six Artists

Comments by Akram Khan in January about women in the dance world(1) sparked a flurry of responses, both online and in publications. Dancers’ Group has decided to examine this topic more carefully […]

Postcards From Africa: Artists Working Here and Far

Shuttling from the Bay Area to disparate regions of Africa, dance professionals Janice Garrett, Byb Bibene Chanel, Kristine Elliott and Joti Singh use the art form to power exchange. Their […]

To Be A Traveler in Your Own City, Oct 2008

Where would you take out of town visitors if they arrived today? What’s “interesting” about San Francisco, something tourists travel the world to see? How would you compose an insider’s […]

Stretching Across the Urban Jungle: ONSITE Presents Katie Faulkner’s We Don’t Belong Here

On the heels of an ambitious four-choreographer collaboration with Kara Davis, Manuelito Biag, and Alex Ketley, Katie Faulkner is not only stretching herself as an artist, but is now literally […]

Ten Tips for Creating a Top Performing Website

Think back to the last dance performance you saw: How did it inspire you? What feelings did you have after you left the performance? How did you hear about it? […]

to remain empty at all times, an effervescent palimpsest (or love letter) for the heart

Estrellx Supernova Photo by Williams College Photography Club. [ID: Estrellx is laying naked, face down, spiritually surrendering their body along the riverbank of The Green River in Williamstown, MA. The […]

Kularts & Alleluia Panis: Setting the Stage for Filipinx Diaspora Narratives

In a conversation about how she classifies her artistic practice, she told me that she does not consider her work to be “Philippine” dance, as that would be disrespectful to regional practitioners who undergo rigorous study, practice, and discipline that she as a choreographer and dancer who has livedmost of her life in the US has not undergone…