Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

Emotional Histories Become Movement: Speaking with Noemi Araxi of Arax Dance

“DO YOU HAVE A LOVE FOR DANCE?” This was the first question asked in my interview with Noemi Araxi of Arax Dance, and it was one my subject asked of […]

Jester in the Router: Multi-site Performance Using The Internet

Imagine artistic and cultural exchange on a worldwide scale. One where live, truly collaborative performing arts events occur on a regular basis at multiple locations simultaneously, not simply connecting a […]

MovingGround: Site-Specific Performance Making Workshop

Learn tools and skills for creating site-specific performance work, in this beautiful urban farm location. How do you work with and on land as a maker creating an audience-interactive experience? […]

Departing from Tradition: Insights from Java

I came to Central Java—to the town of Solo—18 months ago, with the intention of creating artistic collaborations with Indonesian artists, to study with Suprapto Suryodarmo (Javanese improvisation performer and […]

The Call: San Francisco Native Margaret Jenkins Always Moves Forward

Margaret Jenkins, known to the dance world as Margy, has been making dances for most of her 75-years. She trained at the leading edge of performance with Judy Job, Welland […]

A Mini History of Dance Education

Dance has been a part of U.S. public education since the early 1900s, when the concepts of gymnasium and open-air exercise were becoming popular in Europe. National dances were developed, […]

Instilling Life-Long Pasion: In Conversation with Elvia Marta and Annie Parr

When I set out to talk with local dance teachers, my aim was to bring more attention to the many great and dedicated teachers we have here in the San Francisco Bay […]

Beauty in Search of a Resting Place

Does an artist have a responsibility to anything or anyone other than their whim?