What’s on Your Nightstand?

In Dance was curious about what books people are reading that are inspiring, engaging or diverting. To expand your summer booklist, we posed the following three questions to the dance […]

The Shifting Cornerstone: WestWave Splashes into the Streets, July/ Aug 2008

Joanna Haigood, the Artistic Director of San Francisco based Zaccho Dance Theater, is a well-known creator of site specific apparatus based dance. She has been creating work world-wide on various […]

Designing for More People in the Palace

So, in terms of my approach there are two pathways: there’s what the space is, and there’s what the space means. They are different ways of unpacking the building.

Joti Singh and Zenón Barrón: Excavating Cultural Encounters

On Friday, March 27, I watched a rehearsal between Joti Singh and Zenón Barrón. Joti is the founder and artistic director of Duniya Dance and Drum Company, a performance project […]

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.

In Practice: Out of Practice

One of my jobs is college admissions essay coach. The most popular platform for college admissions is called the Common Application. Over 900 colleges and universities use the Common App as their gateway for admission. The Common App requires the usual stuff:

NEW VIEW: Julie Potter

Meet Julie Potter, the Director of San Francisco’s ODC Theater, who stepped into the role in the fall of 2016. Dancers’ Group has had the privilege of working with Julie […]

In Practice: Tonya Marie Amos

In a 1993 interview, Toni Morrison said, “The people who practice racism are bereft. […] It feels crazy. It is crazy. […] If you can only be tall because somebody’s […]

Dancing Masculinity

This month Scott Wells and Dancers turns fifteen. Looking back on my first choreographic effort, I realize I’ve come full circle. The first dance I ever made was a duet […]

SPEAK: An Ever-larger Disappearing Act

I make site-specific dance installations, and am working on a big, breathy, dreamy, amorphous, maddening piece that will show up in the Bay Area this winter, wandering through four different […]