SPEAK: A Community Perspective

When approached by Joe Landini to curate a male choreographers festival I said, “Yes.” As a man, I’ve been struggling to understand how I can be a part of the […]

SPEAK: Dance Artists on Dance

Leaving a recent Fullbright grant meeting, encouraged by the advisor’s response to my project idea, her parting words hit like bricks: “you just have to follow your dream.” I’ve been […]

What’s on Your Nightstand?

In Dance was curious about what books people are reading that are inspiring, engaging or diverting. To expand your summer booklist, we posed the following three questions to the dance […]

“That Unspeakable Somewhat”: Bill T. Jones, Abraham Lincoln, and the Question of Iconicity, May 2009

Trying to secure an interview with Bill T. Jones is like trying to secure a lunch date with Madonna. Here we seem to be in the presence—or absence—of icons. So […]

New Direction, New Perspectives: LEAP continues its mission

Megan Low performed her last plié for the San Francisco Ballet in 2006 when she was a “middle-aged” dancer of 27, leaving behind a fulfilling career as a member of […]

The Year in Bay Area Dance, Dec 2008

As a way to close out another year ‘in dance,’ we take a look back at some of the memorable moments of 2008. We asked what you felt were the […]

A Place to Explore: Mama Calizo

With its bright pink awning and front-door mosaic of CDs that sparkle like giant sequins, Mama Calizo’s Voice Factory (MCVF) is a bright spot in the South of Market district […]

Vision, Strength and Stamina: AXIS and Lily Cai celebrate 20 years, Nov 2008

The Bay Area dance scene could be characterized in any number of terms. “Experimental” and “rich” come to mind. In less flattering terms (and with no intent to offend), I’ve […]

Seeing Dance, Talking Dance in Washington, DC

With its flag-bedecked entrances, huge lobbies and wings that you get lost in, the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC speaks of an era now gone, an America self-confident and imperialistic. […]

Becoming Stronger than the Struggle

In recent passing conversations with fellow dancers, teachers, choreographers and performers there seems to be an agreement that the Bay Area contemporary dance scene is currently experiencing a transition of sorts. While there […]