Speak: Danica Sena, April 2014

Editors note: Danica Sena is the recipient of the 2014 Dancers Choice Award and she will be acknowledged at a free public event on Friday, April 25 at 12noon during the kick off for Bay […]

Isadora Duncan Dance Awards: Nominees & Honorees for the 2011-2012 Performance Season

The Isadora Duncan Dance Awards Committee announces the “Izzies” nominees and honorees for the 2011-12 performance season. The winners will be announced in an awards ceremony on Monday evening, March […]

Curating Performance in East Bay: Spotlight on Four Artist Groups

As most young artists discover, making the art is only half the work. Bringing the art to people involves a particular method to the madness. Commissions, showcases, residencies and co-productions, […]

In Conversation: David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes

You are reading excerpts from David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes’ recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Dancers’ Group: Celebrating 30 Years

Phone Numbers, Floors, Windows and Love I often gauge the depth of my relationship with someone based on if I know their phone number by heart. There are very few […]

Joy, Risk, and Change: An Interview with Marc Bamuthi Joseph

When any high-profile institution changes leadership, it begs the question of changes in topography. Earlier this year, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts proudly announced Marc Bamuthi Joseph as their […]

SPEAK By Sri Susilowati

When first I moved to The States years ago, my artistic mission/intention was to introduce Indonesian dance to Americans and to preserve the Indonesian arts. However, over this time, I […]

Seeing Dance, Talking Dance in Washington, DC

With its flag-bedecked entrances, huge lobbies and wings that you get lost in, the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC speaks of an era now gone, an America self-confident and imperialistic. […]

Anna Halprin’s Art Filled Life on View at YBCA

Anna Halprin parked her white Volvo at the receiving dock of Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and unloaded twelve trash bags full of leaves. The task-oriented performance artist, considered […]

Dance History According to Drag, Jun 2007

“A dancer’s life is a realist’s life,” says the woman onstage in a weary, regal voice. Standing in a dramatically pooled spotlight that glitters off her spangled dress and causes […]