Turn Around to See What’s Coming Next: A Conversation with Brenda Way about ODC’s 45th Anniversary

DURING A RESIDENCY at the American Academy in Rome, ODC’s Founder and Artistic Director Brenda Way remarked on the way early Romans conceived of the future, not by looking forward […]

BLESSED UNREST: A Festival of Possibilities at the Intersection of Social Justice and Performance

IN A TIME of spiraling inequality, discontent and violence, the sometimes vapory subject of art’s relation to social justice takes on a cold, sober, even urgent aspect. As in the […]

In Practice: Holding Wait with Jo Kreiter

On a rainy afternoon in March, I met with Jo Kreiter, choreographer, artist-activist, and artistic director of Flyaway Productions, in a rehearsal space at Project Artaud, behind the Joe Goode […]

Bay Area Community Colleges: Great Teaching, Great Value

In the nine Bay Area counties, there are at least 17 colleges (the difficulty in counting comes from the fact that some have branches, while others have campuses and other […]

In Practice: NAKA Dance Theater in the time of COVID-19

Photos by Scott Tsuchitani On our way out of Margaret Jenkins’ CHIME event on December 8, 2019, José Navarrete invited me to have a conversation about NAKA’s social justice work, […]

New View: Christy Bolingbroke

With fresh young faces popping up constantly, the local Bay Area dance community is a unique blend of seasoned and new perspectives. In Dance caught the new view from New […]

Delicate Acts of Artistic Courage: Performing Diaspora returns to CounterPULSE

If you’re reading In Dance, then I probably don’t need to tell you that among San Francisco arts organizations, CounterPULSE has one of the strongest reputations for presenting risk-taking and […]

Flying Somewhere New: Introducing the Center for Dance and Aerial Arts, in Conversation with Joanna Haigood

My relationship with heights is not a good one. I’m no fan; we’ve never been friends; and I would even characterize our co-existence as mildly contentious. For me, the ground […]

Musings on The People’s Palace

Joanna Haigood’s Zaccho Dance Theatre is also an ancient art that portrays the living bodies of a place in motion, flight, and proximity to the stories that become enshrined built and unbuilt places upon the earth.

WAVES OF CHANGE: West Wave Dance Festival Returns With Joe Landini at the Helm

It was a sad day for Bay Area dance when the West Wave Dance Festival folded in 2012. The annual showcase began as Summerfest under the direction of Cathleen McCarthy […]