Welcome, September 2014

While tackling domestic responsibilities, I multi-task, listening on the radio to music, news, game shows, and the wonderful tales presented on programs like This American Life. A few weeks ago, while paying […]

The Wave of Things to Come

When the Republicans swept into power in the early 1980s they brought with them a fanatical commitment to business. Everything fit under the imperial umbrella of the marketplace, and everything […]

Speak: Sisters

All Roads Are Lined With Teeth is a new evening-length show choreographed and directed by sisters Megan and Shannon Kurashige for their San Francisco-based company Sharp & Fine. Created in […]

In Practice: Mahealani Uchiyama

This month the Mahea Uchiyama Center for International Dance celebrates its 25th anniversary. And although no institution, especially an arts institution, makes it to 25 years without the toil and […]

In Practice: Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s listening creates an opening

Choreographer Mary Armentrout is my dear friend and Feldenkrais practitioner. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about Mary Armentrout Dance Theater’s (MADT) upcoming show at […]

Dance/USA: A Summer Camp Survival Guide

Like camp as a kid, the national dance community can look forward to Dance/USA’s Annual Conference each summer. Except, instead of the arts & crafts table, scary campfire stories, and […]

Designing for More People in the Palace

So, in terms of my approach there are two pathways: there’s what the space is, and there’s what the space means. They are different ways of unpacking the building.

Dancers for a Free Palestine: Tactics of Resistance that Artists Understand

As the horrors of the ongoing U.S. funded Israeli genocide in Palestine pour into our social media feeds from Gaza over the last six months, it has become more clear to me how FLACC’s seemingly small, yet, public “platform” has more influence and power on a political and cultural stage than I realized.

Training With Intention

My key years of modern dance training in the 90s as an undergraduate came at the time of the highly athletic dancer. Lois Greenfield’s images of Pilobolus dancers with 6-pack […]

History in the Taping: Confessions of an Accidental Dance Videographer

As I was preparing to write this article about dance documentation, it occurred to me that it has been exactly ten years since Shelley Trott and I started the interviews […]