Collaborative Improvisation in Media and Dance

Erika Tsimbrovsky and Avy K Productions place visual art on equal footing with music and dance, creating a perfect environment for exploring the relationship between movement and image. Performances are […]

Museum of Performance and Design: The Next Chapter

Adjacent to the opulence and grandeur of the War Memorial Opera House and Davies Symphony Hall lies a quiet, hidden jewel in San Francisco’s performing arts crown–the Museum of Performance […]

Fall 2023

Read the digital edition: Fall 2023 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations, read in the FlippingBook above. Download […]

Dancers’ Group History: Celebrating 30 Years

To celebrate Dancers’ Group’s 30th anniversary this year, we reached out to many in our community—beloved friends and a wonderful mix of artists, educators, writers, and funders that we have […]

Flow: Embracing Nature’s Wisdom Through Art

Imagine you are walking along a long winding path, stretching for miles, over hills and through forests.

Video Tips: Documenting Your Work

1. Communicate with your videographer. Let them know what specific preferences you have. The more they know, the better equipped they are to meet your needs. If there is anything […]

Dancing Happens in Strip Malls Too

My first memories of learning dance were at the Strip Mall Dance Studio near my house in Lawrence, Kansas. The strip mall was creatively named “The Malls Shopping Center.” I don’t remember what the studio itself was called but I know exactly where it was—tucked in the corner of a row of single-story beige buildings that also housed Pet World (my favorite place on earth as a 4-year-old), an Ace Hardware (my second favorite place), and a Godfather’s Pizza.

Summer 2021

Read the digital edition: Summer 2021 In Dance For all content, including incredible images, videos, and profiles of Bay Area dance artists and organizations read in the Flipping Book above. […]

Ad Infinitum Identities: The work of Pseuda & Kim Ip

Pseuda can be seen from a stage, holding two metal chain ropes attached to the limbs of another body. A doll, a dancer, Kim Ip. It’s Halloween, 2015, at B4bel4b Gallery, and the audience doesn’t yet know that Kim and Pseuda are chained together until they begin to stretch away, the chains syncing a nexus between bodies.

In Memoriam: Frank Shawl

Photos courtesy of Shawl-Anderson Is that all there is, is that all there is If that’s all there is my friends, then let’s keep dancing Let’s break out the booze […]