Creating Space for Hip Hop: A Spotlight on Micaya & SoulForce

I remember first meeting Micaya backstage when I was volunteering for the San Francisco Hip Hop Dance Fest at the Palace of Fine Arts Theater in November 2010. Glamorous in […]

Instilling Life-Long Pasion: In Conversation with Elvia Marta and Annie Parr

When I set out to talk with local dance teachers, my aim was to bring more attention to the many great and dedicated teachers we have here in the San Francisco Bay […]

Ways of Looking; Disability as Ability

An examination of the way audiences, both European and American, approach integrated dance.

Critical Dialogues

WHAT IF, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this […]

In Conversation

Community – a word that has gone beyond definition this past year. Especially in the Bay Area. The conversations that have been sparked are those of investigation, those of breaking down barriers, and those of not returning “back to normal.”


Looking Back with Love Dancers’ Group has been home. For thirty-five years I’ve worked on and off, mostly on, for this art-full organization. Learning on the job has always been […]

Pitching Hay; Review: March 30, 2007

Deborah Hay is a hard one to catch. Years ago, she used to roll into town, often in the summer, and have a quiet interlude at Dancers’ Group/Footwork. She’d offer […]

2024 San Francisco Aerial Arts Festival

San Francisco’s premiere aerial arts event featuring internationally recognized aerial artists and exciting newcomers breaking into the field. This biennial festival brings together spectacle, daring athleticism, aerial dance, and circus […]

BOOK REVIEW: The Body Eclectic: Evolving Practice in Dance Training

Twenty years ago dance was declared dead by more than a few New York dance critics who had watched both modern dance and ballet flower and, they believed, collapse. The […]

tool logic aesthetic

The idea for this triumvirate first started to percolate in my brain several years ago during an improvisation workshop. A discussion arose from a disagreement about determining if a score […]