Did you know? Los Lupeños de San José

Los Lupeños de San José is one of the region’s many mexican folklórico companies and was founded in 1969 by Susan Cashion, Phd and Ramón Morones. After a variety of changes, […]

Did You Know? Bahiya Movement

Photo by Chani Bockwinkel Highlighting the Activities of Artists/Organizations in Our Region Bahiya Movement was founded in 2011 by mother/daughter team Afia and Nafi Thompson. Bahiya is a Swahili/Arabic word […]

In Conversation: Afrofuturism with Raissa Simpson

Raissa Simpson is a socially conscious artist that holds community building at the core of her repertoire. Witnesses of her work have seen in-depth studies of topics ranging from Judgment […]

The Dance Ecosystem: National Conferences & Conversations

IN THE DANCE ECOSYSTEM each individual role is reliant on another, requiring dialog and sharing. Ongoing conversations strengthen the relationships between dance artists, choreographers, administrators, presenters, funders and the press. […]


Imagine a society—a world—that enables and ensures each person can live and create without money. I hope and dream about this. It will be an equalizing time when every individual […]

SPEAK: Take This Dance and Shove It

EDITOR’S NOTE: For Scott Wells and Dancers’ upcoming season, they have invited two choreographers working in diverse dance forms and approaches to collaborate with Wells in the creation of a […]

NEW VIEW: Jiten Daiko

Taiko is a broad term for Japanese percussion, but here in the U.S., the word tends to refer to a form of highly physical drumming performance. While largely a musical […]


THE FIRST TIME I WORKED with the teens of YBCA’s Young Artists at Work program (YAAW), I watched them navigate Keith Hennessey’s Turbulence: A Dance About the Economy after discussing […]

Diamano Coura Celebrates 45 Years of Dancing with a Message

Photo by Cindy Manly-Fields For 45 years Diamano Coura has used West African dance as a vehicle to further the preservation, education, and appreciation of traditional West African music, theater, […]

BOYS IN TROUBLE: A Conversation with Sean Dorsey

Sean Dorsey is a dance-maker, activist, and trans advocate based in San Francisco. A founder of the Sean Dorsey Dance, Fresh Meat Productions and the Fresh Meat Festival, Dorsey and […]